Monday, September 30, 2019

Parent Resources on Vaping

Last week Governor Baker, in response to growing safety concerns, placed a ban on the sale of vaping products in the Commonwealth.  As you likely know, vaping is growing in popularity among MERMHS students as well as among students across the country.  Through our health curriculum, students are taught the dangers of vaping; however, as with the original smoking epidemic, it will take a full community effort to reinforce the message that vaping is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes.  “E-cigarettes have surpassed conventional cigarettes as the most commonly used tobacco product among youth, and it is critical that parents, educators and other adults who work with youth understand what these products are and the potential risks of using them." (MDPH)

The following advisories have been provided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.  I hope you find them to be helpful for learning about and addressing the dangers of vaping with your child.

Resource for Quitting Vaping/Smoking

General Resource on Vaping
The New Look of Nicotine Addiction - Make Smoking History