Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Board of Health Advisory - Mosquito Spraying Scheduled for Wednesday; Evening Outdoor Activities Curtailed

In response to the Board of Health's most recent advisory, MERSD has reorganized all athletic schedules to comply with the 6pm curfew. Additionally, the Athletic Department has provided coaches with insect repellent and reminded students to wear long sleeves and pants to practice.  As part of our protocol, the Facilities Department will check all sites for standing water and double-check screens to ensure they are free of rips and tears.

Board of Health
Townhall - 10 Central Street
Manchester-by-the-SeaMassachusetts      01944-1399
Telephone (978) 526-7385                        
FAX (978) 526-2009

Press Release
September 25, 2019

Mosquito Spraying Scheduled for Wednesday; Evening Outdoor Activities Curtailed

The Board of Health is moving forward with a town-wide spraying to kill mosquitos Wednesday
night, September 25, 2019. The spraying will be carried out by the Northeast Mosquito Control
District, the same organization that has, when necessary, conducted mosquito spraying for years
in the area.

The spray targets mosquitos in particular, degrades very quickly (within 30 minutes) and leaves
no harmful residue. The spray will reach approximately 150 feet on each side of the road.
Residents close to roads are encouraged to close street facing windows while spraying occurs
and may reopen windows 30 minutes after the truck goes by your home. Please stay indoors
while the truck is spraying your street. If you have an organic garden you may want to cover
your plants. If not, simply wash your vegetables before eating. The schedule calls for spraying
to begin at 6:45PM Wednesday and will last about two hours.

Last week the Board was informed of a Manchester resident who was infected with EEE.
Confirmation of where the resident was when bitten was not possible. Heightened testing for the
virus in town continues. The weather forecast calls for the return of warm weather for weeks to
come meaning mosquito activity and breeding will continue to be high. The warmer weather
also affords the opportunity to spray (night time temperatures need to be above 55). Thus, the
Board of Health has concluded that spraying should move forward in order to be as pro-active as
possible to combat the threat of the EEE virus taking hold in Town.

In addition, the Board of Health has decided that all outdoor activities are to cease by 6pm until
further notice. Mosquitoes are most active during the twilight time thus the risk of being bitten is
higher. Residents are encouraged to cover up and use mosquito repellant anytime they are
outdoors. The BOH also asks that residents remove sources of standing water around your

More detailed information is available at the following web-sites: