MERSD has a lot going on in the new year!
MERSD FY19 Budget
Development: In December, MERSD
presented its Tentative Budget to the School Committee and held the first of
two public hearings on the budget. In
January, the School Committee and the MERSD Administration will work to further
refine the projections and approve a final budget for submission to the Towns
in early February. We welcome your
participation and input as we navigate the budget process and work to deliver a
budget proposal that supports our mission and maintains excellence in our
MERSD Commitment to
Continual Improvement: As part of
the District Improvement Plan, MERSD regularly assesses the quality of its
programs. This fall we have undergone
third-party assessments of our Athletics and Middle School In-District Special
Education programs. Our report will be
shared with school committee in January and February, and the findings will be
used to inform strategic improvement planning for our programs.
Memorial School
Building Project: The Memorial
School Building Committee (SBC) and its team of consultants submitted the
Preliminary Design Program (PDP) to the (MSBA) Massachusetts School Building
Authority on November 22nd. This is the first milestone in the MSBA’s
Feasibility Study phase. In the PDP,
MSBA requires all districts to present three types of options: renovation only, renovation with additions,
and new construction. These options will
be examined in detail by MERSD in the next phase of the feasibility
process. From December to February, the
Building Committee will be working to narrow down the potential options and
will submit a Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) option to the MSBA for approval
and further development. The overall
goal is to identify an option that is both cost effective and aligned with the
needs of MERSD’s educational program.
Upcoming Meetings
MERMHS LC = Middle
High School Learning Commons – 2nd Floor
MERSD School Committee
Presentation Topics
January 9 /
Athletics Review / High School Program of Studies
FY19 Budget Development
January 23 /
FY19 Budget Development
January 30 / 7:00pm
Essex Elem. |
Public Hearing - FY19 Budget
February 6 / 6:00pm
Special Education Program Review
Adoption FY19 Budget
School Building Committee
Agenda Topics
January 10 / 7:00pm
Evaluating Options /
Select Schemes for Estimating
January 22 / 7:00pm
Design Update /
Discussion of CM at Risk
January 31 / 9:00am & 7:00pm
Memorial School
Community Meeting