Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Green Team News!

Community Gardens   

The MERHS Green-Team has been hard at work, cleaning all of the community garden space during October and November. One of the crucial components to the recycling process is the ability to compost the remaining garden plant material. Through the efforts of the Green-Team this year, the gardens now have four composting bins. The request was made to the Massachusetts DEP, and was ultimately approved by Ann McGovern. She was instrumental in expediting the process, so that the compost bins would be available to the school by the end of the growing season. The members of the Green-Team spent time building the bins, and transported them to their designated spots in the garden area. On another (warm) day, the students went out to clear plant material from the gardens, and start the composting process. Through this project, the members of the community gardens will be able to reuse their plant waste in the form of compost during the upcoming growing season, completing the cycle.

Bulb Planting on Veterans Day

On Veteran’s day this year, the Manchester by the Sea Garden Club planted Daffodil bulbs around the town. The bulbs were a donation from local residents Chris and Bill Kinney. They began the morning at the Vietnam War Memorial, moved on to the entrance to the Pleasant Grove Cemetery. The final stop for the day was at the Manchester-Essex Regional Middle High School. They were joined this year by Liam Faulk, a member of the MERHS Green-Team. The group planted over 1000 Daffodil bulbs on that Saturday, more than 250 of them at the Middle High School alone. In the spring, the bulbs will be a beautiful accentthe entrance to the school complex.