Tuesday evening January 24th, Principal Joanne Maino, along with
Lyn Healy, from the New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS), will be
presenting the NELMS Report to the School Committee. The NELMS report was
generated from a whole school assessment performed during the fall of
2016. The NELMS program review tools were developed based on the research
that can be found in Turning
Points 2000 and This We Believe-Successful Schools for Young Adolescents.
Through surveys, observations and focus groups with students, parents, faculty,
and staff, NELMS assessed how well MERMS performed against key standards:
- Relevant, standards-based curriculum
- Instructional strategies appropriate for young adolescents
- Opportunities for middle level professionals
- Organization of students and teachers
- Building governance
- School climate
- Parent and community involvement