Thursday, June 7, 2018

Memorial Building Project Update!

The Memorial School Building Committee is the final phases of Schematic Design. From March to June, JCJ Architecture has been working to develop a robust schematic design of sufficient detail to establish the scope, revised budget, and schedule for the proposed project. Upon completion and approval by the SBC and School Committee, the design will be submitted to the MSBA for approval. Once approved by the MSBA, the project is then brought to the community for local approval. The overall goal of Schematic Design is to develop a project that is both cost-effective and aligned with the needs of MERS D ’s educational program

Community Input: To date, the Memorial School Building Committee has hosted four community meetings at Memorial School to keep both the Manchester and Essex communities up-to-date on the process and to gather feedback. 

Community Meeting Topics Reviewed
MSBA grant program process and schedule
Review of existing conditions of Memorial school
Site selection decision making
Feasibility phase building options
Evaluation of design options
Preferred Schematic Design Updates
Project timeline

Upcoming Building Committee Meetings 
June 12th - Review Cost Estimates
June 26th - Initial Approval of Schematic Design
July 11th (6:00pm) - Approval of Schematic Design
     Meetings @ 7:00pm MERHS Learning Commons unless otherwise noted

Timeline: In October 2017, representatives from MERSD met with the Finance Committees and the Boards of Selectmen in both towns to review progress on the Feasibility Study and to ask for their support of a November 2018 town vote to fund the Memorial School building project. Both the Manchester and Essex Boards of Selectman voted unanimously to support this effort. This puts us on a pathway to hold a special town meeting in October 2018 at which we will seek local approval for the project with the ballot vote to be held on November 6, 2018.

A Look Ahead
June - July 2018        Schematic Design & Cost Proposal Development
October 2018             Town Meetings Held
November 2018         Town Votes

Just learning about the Memorial Building Project and want more information
Review the History of the Project on our Project Updates Page!