Monday, February 12, 2018

Green Team News!

3 Season Gardening

Annie Martin has been working to develop a way to increase the yields from our school-based community gardens. The Cafeteria staff has been using the gardens for several years and has only been able to access fresh produce in early June and from September to October. The gardens are tended, but not utilized during the summer. Annie has come up with a program that will allow the garden space to be used by the school for many more months during the school year. In addition, her proposal has the opportunity to use the greenhouses as a sustainable teaching tool for several classes. Annie is proposing that 2 gardens be enclosed in each greenhouse. Beginning with an idea and a design, she put together a proposal that has gotten approval the High School Principal, Facilities Director, Superintendent and most recently the School Committee. She has secured several greenhouses plans as options and has begun the process of obtaining quotes. In addition, she has also begun the process of writing grants to fully fund her project. MERHS could see the greenhouses installed this spring or summer.

1/25/18 Green Team Hosts Harry Hintlian 

Harry Hintlian, the Board Chair of Reforest the Tropics, a United Nations approved carbon reduction program visited Manchester-Essex High School to discuss Carbon sequestration. He spoke at length to the students of the GreenTeam classes as well as the Sustainability and AP Environmental classes. He discussed the need to use “All options when meeting the challenge of Climate Change”. His focus was on the long-term viability of planting trees, as a way to capture CO2 365 days a year.
 The website, is where you can become briefly acquainted with RTT.  They are a scientific research organization, and also we integrate our forestry science into climate change teaching programs in schools. In some cases, they will plant a 1-hectare tropical forest for a school, and then use the school's own newly planted tropical forest as a 3-dimensional teaching platform for a climate change curriculum in the classroom.