Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Curriculum Highlights - January 2018

Curriculum Highlights - January 2018 ~ Dr. Julie DeRoche

Summer Music-by-the-Sea

Summer Music Institute Mission Statement:
By beginning a week-long summer music camp for MERSD elementary and middle schoolers’, we hope not only to jump-start the school year by getting students back into their practice on their instruments, but also provide valuable learning experiences that students would not get in a larger school year setting. We will provide opportunities for small group and solo performances, promote independence and leadership in young musicians, and allow young students to interact with and be inspired by their older peers. This more intimate setting will also allow for finely tuned individualized instruction for each student. Finally, we hope that this program can provide students with a fun enrichment of their musical experiences at MERSD, and motivate them to become leaders and role-models for their fellow musicians throughout the school year.
Music students are encouraged to register online at the following link :

Read More This Year with the 2018 Reading Challenge

From Goodreads!
Yes, it's time for the 2018 Reading Challenge! Make a promise to read more books this year. Goodreads makes it easy to set your own reading goal, track your progress, and celebrate your success with our annual Reading Challenge.

Last year, more than three million readers joined the Challenge and collectively finished more than 43 million books. In a recent survey of Goodreads members, 82 percent said they wanted to spend more time reading. So…what are you waiting for?