Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Spaulding Education Fund’s NIGHT OF STARS!

Mark your calendars for Spaulding Education Fund’s 9th Annual NIGHT OF STARS TALENT SHOW to be held on Sunday, November 12 at 3:00pm in the Manchester Essex Regional Middle-High School Auditorium.

As the only local community wide event of its kind, it features the best and brightest talent from throughout Manchester Essex playing music, singing, dancing, performing comedy, awing the audience with magic and much, much more — all in an effort to help make their great schools even better!

Kindergarteners through High School seniors from Manchester and Essex are invited to audition as well as parents, teachers, and all talented members of the Manchester and Essex community! Adults can perform with their children or alone. The organization is also auditioning for the Master of Ceremonies, which is open to one or more High School age students.

There are two audition dates from which to choose:

Tuesday, October 17 from 4:00-7:00pm or Saturday, October 21 from 9:00 -11:00am

To register for an audition visit: spauldingeducationfund.org.

The “Night of Stars Talent Show” is Spaulding Education Fund's largest fundraising initiative of the year, raising the vital funds needed to support their mission of advancing educational excellence in the Manchester Essex regional schools.