Monday, September 11, 2017

Memorial Building Project Save the Date!

In the Spring of 2016, MERSD established the Memorial School Building Committee (MSBC) and received support from our communities to enter into a Feasibility Study with the Massachusetts School Building authority (MSBA).  The MSBA provides state matching funds for construction, and an oversight process to promote efficiency and effectiveness of local building projects.  As one of its first tasks, the MSBC was charged with identifying an Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) for the upcoming building project.   The OPM, who will be with us for the duration of the project, works to oversee the building process and helps to safeguard the District’s interests.  Last March the MSBA approved the Memorial School Building Committee’s recommendation of Dore & Whittier to serve as MERSD’s OPM for the Memorial project.   With the assistance of the OPM, and in adherence to the MSBA process, the MSBC then identified and contracted with JCJ Architecture to act as the design team for the Memorial Building Project – Feasibility Study.  Together the MSBC, Dore & Whittier, and JCJ will work to find fiscally responsible, forward-thinking solutions for the Manchester elementary school building that meet the needs of the District’s current and future curriculum program, are mindful of future maintenance and the impact on the environment, serve the school community, and are supported by voters in Manchester and Essex, as well as the MSBA.  In the end, the Feasibility Study will determine whether to renovate or replace the Memorial School.  There will be several opportunities for public input throughout the process, with the first Community Meeting scheduled for October 4, 2017. 

Knowing that facility needs of Memorial Elementary School have been prioritized by the MSBA process, MERSD has turned its attention toward developing a multi-year capital plan for extending the useful life of Essex Elementary, which is more than fifty years old, but in better condition than Memorial.  MERSD is currently working with the Town of Essex to leverage Green Community grant funding for energy saving improvements that can minimize the annual cost of operations.  To learn more about the Memorial Building Project Background & Process please visit the MSBC-Memorial Building Project

For More Information on the MSBA & Feasibility Study process please visit