Athletics Review
To be assured that we
are providing the best possible program for our student athletes, MERHS will
undergo an athletic review this fall. Nancy O’Neil, retired athletic
director from Lincoln-Sudbury, will oversee the review to assure that there is
no bias. The review will include a focus on MERHS Athletics’ vision and
philosophy, the relationship and role of athletics to other areas of the school,
programming, organization and communication, resources, and the future
direction of the program. The review will include online surveys and
focus group meetings. The survey will be available within the next two
weeks. There will be a focus group conversation with Nancy for parents on
9/25. There will be a group for students on 9/28.
Focus Group Dates
9/25 Parents 6pm
9/27 Faculty and Staff 2:20
9/28 Students at 2:20 and Coaches at 4pm
Survey Link for newsletters