Monday, June 12, 2017

Notice of MERSD Fees Increase for 2017-2018

If you followed this year’s budget development, you may know that there was discussion about the need to adjust athletic and transportation fees to keep pace with inflation.  The fees have been flat for three years, and this increase is primarily driven by the increasing cost of transportation. As such, at its May 16, 2017 meeting the MERSD School Committee voted to raise athletic, student parking, and bus fees for the 2017-2018 school year.  This adjustment is aimed at covering a portion of the cost of existing programs and maintaining the distribution between taxpayer and user contribution.  User fees currently cover approximately 40-45% of the athletics program with the remainder covered by the taxpayer funded budget.  We will be undertaking the next in our series of extensive biannual Athletic Program reviews in the coming year, which will allow us to examine the quality and scope of the program.  Transportation fees cover less than 10% of the cost, with the remainder split between the taxpayer funded budget and state reimbursements.

Athletics Fees – The MERSD School Committee voted to increase fees and maintain a payment schedule based on the number of sports in which a student participates.  Athletes are required to pay the full fee prior to beginning each season.

Athletics Fee Schedule 2017-2018

1 Sport
$460 HS
$370 MS

$1,550 HS
$1,200 MS

2nd Sport
$290 HS
$230 MS

3rd Sport
$115 HS
$95 MS

Transportation Fees – The MERSD School Committee voted to continue the transportation fee for all bus riders who live less than 1.5 miles from the school they attend.   This is in accordance with the district transportation policy and Mass General Law governing the provision of transportation for regional school districts.   Students are required to pay the full fee prior to beginning ridership.

Bus Transportation Fee 2017-2018

Students living less the 1.5 miles from the school which they attend.

$225 Annual Bus Fee

HS Student Parking – The MERSD School Committee voted to increase the student parking assigned space fee.  Student parking is available to Seniors on a first come first served basis beginning on August 14, 2017.

HS Student Parking Fee 2017-2018

Senior Assigned Parking

$135 Annual Assigned Parking Spot

Please watch your email for additional details about registration periods and methods for fee payment. Fee schedules are also available on the mersd website -