Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Students' skiffs hit the water in Essex

CV:  Whole Child
We believe schools must establish a safe environment conducive to the development of the whole child, which extends beyond the academic core to include experiential learning, the arts, cultural awareness, and physical and emotional well being.

Students' skiffs hit the water in Essex
Excerpt from the GDT "A group of Manchester Essex Middle School students have gotten a first-hand look at shipbuilding over the past school year at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum.

Friday was launch day, when the skiffs the students made hit the water in the Essex River off the museum’s grounds.

The boat building project was funded by the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation, which gave the Essex Shipbuilding Museum and Historical Society $5,000 for the project. The Anderson Foundation is a part of the Boston Foundation, and contributes to programs that promote environmental protection, historic preservation and a host of other causes."  Read the rest of the story in the Gloucester Daily Times