Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Manchester Essex Middle School Students Recognized for Innovation in Plant the Moon Challenge




Superintendent Pam Beaudoin and Principal Joanne Maino are pleased to share that students at Manchester Essex Middle School were recognized for their innovation in a global science experiment.  

Manchester Essex Middle School students began their participation in the Plant the Moon Challenge research challenge in February, examining how vegetable crops can grow in lunar or Martian soil. MEMS joined the Challenge thanks to a grant from the Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium (MASGC).  

As NASA plans future expeditions to the Moon and Mars through the Artemis program, one obstacle is figuring out how to feed the astronauts. Five teams of Manchester Essex students in Grade 6 worked together in Middle School Academy and science classes to help solve that problem by designing experiments to grow crops using simulations of lunar soil.  

Each team received five lunar soil kits from the Challenge, as well as materials and equipment from parents and community supporters including Black Earth Compost and 

Cressey Nursery.  

Students completed their projects with the help of Middle School Teacher Vidula Plante, who applied for the MASGC grant, and Grade 6 Science Teacher Ross Cowman.  

Teams with the best plant growth results and experimental design were named Best in Show. Of the 310 final reports entered, Middle School Academy's E block class team was awarded Best in Show for Most Innovative Experiment at the middle school level.  

Their project, "Who Let the Plants Out?", studied how a self-sustaining environment with different amounts of water affects the growth of marigolds and green beans in 50 percent lunar soil and 50 percent soil with additives. They wanted to use hardy plants for the experiment that could grow well within the limited timeline of two months. They chose marigolds and green beans because they look good, grow quickly, and can be eaten. The team's winning report can be found here 

"This was an exceptional experiment, and the team did a great job. The experiment used multiple soil compounds, variable containers, and followed a well-designed experiment process," said Science Advisory Board Project Reviewer Mike Lewis. "In short, they did everything you need to drive innovation. Great work, and congratulations to the team!" Project completion certificates were awarded to all students to recognize their hard work.  

"Through this project-based learning challenge, students practiced decision-making, experiment design, and used data to make adjustments to their initial plans," said Superintendent Beaudoin. "We are so proud of the collaborative work they produced, and it is amazing to see their experiment be recognized as Best in Show."  



The student-designed logo for Middle School Academy's E block class team "Who Let the Plants Out?"