Monday, April 3, 2023

National RULER Conference 2023


Middle School Adjustment Counselor Erin Brahms presented on SEL data collection at the National RULER Conference. (Photo Courtesy Manchester Essex Regional School District)

Manchester Essex Regional Middle School Adjustment Counselor Erin Brahms presented at the National RULER Conference earlier this month.

The National RULER Conference took place virtually on March 7-8. Brahms presented on the second day as part of a panel that discussed "Data-Driven Decision Making: Assessments to Support RULER Implementation."

RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. The acronym stands for the five skills of emotional intelligence: recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating. T

Brahms' section of the presentation, titled "So Much Data, So Little Time," focused on highlighting best practices for collecting SEL data. She also provided a snapshot of the various types of data and trends that she has collected over the past five years at MERMS.

"This work is a collaborative effort with teachers who are an integral part of the implementation and data collection process," said Brahms.

As part of her data overview, Brahms provided insight into how MERMS uses RULER, what types of data are collected, how the data is used, and discussed some of the results.

"Congratulations to Erin on her successful and impressive presentation at the National RULER Conference," said Superintendent Beaudoin. "Erin's contribution to our students' progress in social and emotional learning is integral to their success both in and out of school."