Thursday, April 27, 2023

FY24 MERSD Budget Book

In preparation for the  Manchester Town Meeting on April 3rd  and the Essex Town Meeting on May 1st, MERSD has published its annual budget book to provide taxpayers an overview of the FY24 school budget.  

Manchester Essex Regional School District (MERSD) is committed to a collaborative approach to budget planning.  Throughout each budget season, we work cooperatively with the Boards of Selectman and Finance in both Essex and Manchester meeting regularly to provide ongoing progress reports on our planning process and multi-year outlook.   

FY24 School Committee Goals:

1.   Work collaboratively with our member towns, to allocate resources for both the near‐term and long‐term financial health of the District including the pursuit of correction that maintains educational quality and supports our mission, vision, core values, and strategic initiatives.

2.   Utilize the facilities index report of the Essex Elementary School, Middle School, and High School buildings and propose a timeline for pursuing renovation/repair of Essex Elementary School.

3.   Partner with our students, families, faculty, and staff in pursuit of our strategic initiative to nurture an inclusive and diverse school culture that recognizes the contributions and uniqueness of all individuals.

4. Advance academic excellence by ensuring implementation of, and developing community support for, the district Strategic Plan, including strategies for authentic learning and SEL integration.