Monday, March 27, 2023

Manchester Essex Regional School District Highlights Performing and Visual Arts Programs 

We are pleased to share the recent successes and ongoing performances by Manchester Essex Regional School District students in the performing and visual arts. 

Emerging Young Artists 2023 Juried Exhibition  

The Exhibition is hosted annually by the College of Visual and Performing Arts at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Students under the guidance of Art educator Tamera Burns submitted their work for consideration. The program received submissions from 591 students this year, from which 120 works were selected for the exhibition by CVPA’s Dean Lawrence Jenkins.  

A virtual exhibition opening, reception and awards presentation was held on Friday, Jan. 27 for the artists, their teachers, the UMass Dartmouth community and the public. Students’ work also was displayed from Feb. 9-19 in Gallery 244 at UMass Dartmouth’s CVPA Star Store Campus in downtown New Bedford. 

Students selected were:  

Senior Ava Ross, “Memory project.”  

Junior Alana Martinetti, “Metallic Fish.”  

Junior Ava Rizzico, “To be a Rectangle.”  

Junior Lily Francoeur, “Sour.”  



“To be a Rectangle” by Ava Rizzico. (Photo Courtesy Manchester Essex Regional School District) 


“Memory project” by Ava Ross. (Photo Courtesy Manchester Essex Regional School District) 


“Metallic Fish” by Alana Martinetti. (Photo Courtesy Manchester Essex Regional School District) 


"Sour" by Lily Francoeur (Photo Courtesy Manchester Essex Regional School District)  

Rock Band  

Manchester Memorial Elementary School and Essex Elementary School offer a before school Rock Band program. Students in Grades 3-5, under the direction of music teacher Fiona Dooley, play rock instruments once a week, and prepare for two concerts during the school year. 


The Manchester Memorial Elementary School Rock Band, first row, from left, Adelaide Hall, Lydia Garth, Eleanor Hall, Maddie Rowe, Kate Costello, Aiden Gaudet, Nick Masters; second row, from left, Lucia Ochs, Stella McLaughlin, Ana Burgess, Ronan Morgan, Noa Johansen-Henderson, Marcel Mavarez-Perez, James Binieris, Robert Clapp, teacher Fiona Dooley, Bick Howe, Isaac Collins, Keegan McLaughlin, Dante Bruno, Skylar Rothe, Felix Raleigh. (Photo Courtesy Jean Spencer via Manchester Essex Regional School District)  

Jazz Bands  

The Middle School and High School Jazz Bands performed in the annual Evening of Jazz Concert on March 16. As part of their preparation, noted jazz musician and composer Alexa Tarantino visited rehearsals to share her knowledge and expertise 

The High School Jazz Band performed “Tank!” from “Cowboy Bebop,” while the Middle School Jazz Band performed “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder, both with Tarantino playing along.  

Tarantino’s visit was supported by Rockport Music and the Shalin Liu Performance Center's educational outreach program. 

“Alexa is immensely talented, and shared suggestions, critiques, and plenty of encouragement,” Band Director/Music Teacher Joe Janack said. “This is the second year in a row she has worked with our students. They learn so much, so I hope she will return in the future.”  


Jazz musician and composer Alexa Tarantino shared her expertise with the Junior High and Senior High Jazz Bands. (Photo Courtesy Jean Spencer via Manchester Essex Regional School District)  

Grade 5 Musical  

Manchester Memorial Elementary School and Essex Elementary School are rehearsing the spring musical, "Alice@Wonderland, the Musical." The musical is being directed by Tyler Garofalo.  

This musical adaptation remains true to the original “Alice in Wonderland,” except that the modern Alice texts and tweets and is immersed in the 21st century. 

Performances are scheduled for March 30 at 4:30 p.m., and April 1 and April 2 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults in advance ($20 at the door), $10 for students and seniors.




High School students performed in the Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild (METG) State Drama Festival earlier this month and returned with several awards.  

Students performed "Burglars, Bunglers and Neighborhood Thieves" under the direction of teacher Gianna Baglioni Mathias at North Reading High School on March 4. They competed against City on a Hill Charter Public, North Reading High School, Academy of Notre Dame, Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School, Masconomet Regional High School, Rockport High School, and St. Mary's Lynn.  

"All of these fellow competitors absolutely blew us away and we were grateful to take part in the festivities with such talented groups," Mathias said.  

Three students were selected for All-Star Company Awards: Josh Cohen and Owen O'Leary in Acting, and Maddy Officer for Stage Management. For the second year in a row the school also received the Stage Manager's Choice Award, selected by the host school, for excellence in teamwork and work ethic.