Friday, January 20, 2023

2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration

2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration

Children who are age five on or before September 1, 2023, are eligible to register for the 2023/2024 school year

PRIOR TO REGISTRATION, please log on to WWW.MERSD.ORG and select the “about us” tab to complete the Residency & Enrollment paperwork. Once residency is approved, Parents/Legal guardians are invited to return all Kindergarten registration materials, also found in the “about us” section, during the week of January 30, 2023, via email or by contacting the main office of their respective school to arrange an in-person registration.

Essex Elementary School

Maggie Safrine/                    Phone: 978-768-7324      

Manchester Memorial Elementary School 

Maria Schmidt/                    Phone: 978-526-1908