Thursday, May 13, 2021

MERSD Summer Literacy and Math Program!

MERSD Summer Literacy and Math Program: Registration Link!

We are very excited to announce that the Ipswich YMCA and MERSD have partnered to offer a summer literacy and math program to rising first through third-grade students.

What is the Summer Literacy & Math Program?  It is a 4-week program that provides your child the opportunity to participate in morning literacy instruction which focuses on spelling, grammar, vocabulary, self-selected reading, and small group guided reading.  This year, we are adding math instruction to the program! Math instruction will focus on building math foundational skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. 

After the morning instructional sessions, your child will then spend the afternoon at Camp Dory on Chebacco Lake engaged in fun and exciting summer camp activities. Afternoon activities include arts and crafts, music, field games, character development, swimming and much, much more! 

The program is sponsored by the YMCA of the North Shore – Ipswich Family YMCA in collaboration with the Manchester Essex Regional School District.  This program will start on Tuesday, July 6th and end on Friday, July 30th.  Students will need to commit to all 4 weeks of the program. 

The program will run on Monday - Thursday from 9:00AM - 12:00PM.  Students will eat lunch and then take a bus over to Camp Dory for the remainder of the day, 12:30PM - 4:00PM.  Every Friday, students have the opportunity to attend Camp Dory all day.

What do I have to do?  We believe that family involvement is the key to the positive development and academic success of any child.  So, in order for your child to participate in the program, we need your participation, too.  Your family involvement will include attending the initial parent/caregiver orientation meeting via Zoom call scheduled toward the end of June (invitation to follow).

There are no fees associated with this program – it’s Free!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact 

YMCA: Mary Ellen Mayo at or 978-356-9622.

MERSD:  Julie Riley or 978-526-4919