Friday, March 29, 2019

Green Team Wins Grant Funding!

Water Filling Station Funding:  The Green Team has begun the implementation of a Water Conservation & Plastic Reduction push over the past 18 months. During this time, there have been 3 filling stations installed in the Middle-High School. There have been several students that have taken on the challenge of increasing awareness, and seeking funding to continue with this initiative. Abby Lantz is one of those students. With diligence, she was able to identify several potential donors. She corresponded with them, explaining what The Green Team is all about and what she wanted to accomplish. Today, her efforts were rewarded with a $500.00 grant from TATA & HOWARD of Marlborough. In their letter, Co-President Karen Gracey said: “We want to thank you for amount of plastic water bottles being used”.  It is a goal of The Green Team to seek out and foster relationships with members of the larger community to work toward common outcomes. The Green Team and Abby would like to thank Karen Gracey and TATA & HOWARD for their generosity.