FY20 Tentative Budget Hearing
December 12th @ 7:00pm
Manchester Essex Middle High School Learning Commons
Presentation of the FY20Budget followed by public input. This is an opportunity for the community to learn, ask questions, and provide feedback about our preliminary budget for FY20.
Manchester Essex Regional School District (MERSD) is committed to a collaborative approach to budget planning. Throughout each budget season, we work cooperatively with the Boards of Selectman and Finance in both Essex and Manchester meeting regularly to provide on-going progress reports on our planning process and multi-year outlook.
Budget Goals for FY19
Budget Goals for FY19
- Develop and deliver a fiscally responsible budget that maintains educational quality, supports District goals, and recognizes the confines of Proposition 2 ½.
- Manage Enrollment
- Strive to meet School Committee class size guidelines
- Serve increasingly diverse student educational needs
- Exercise fiscal responsibility
- Seek internal efficiencies to offset growth needs when possible
- Meet local, state and federal responsibilities while controlling growth
Please visit our Finance & Operations page for information about our budget process, a complete budget season calendar, and links to our strategic plan which outlines the work going on in the district.